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Last updated
There's three ways to convert from xSBF to SBF:
Normal Vesting - To convert 1 xSBF to 1 SBF you need to vest it for 2 months
Bond Dynamic - Where the xSBF is vested for 5 months and it rewards 1.5x the locked amount in SBL! (the reward multiplier can change during different market conditions)
IE: 100 xSBF = 150 SBF after 5 months
Instant Exit - The instant conversion has a discount attached to it. The discount varies dynamically based on multiple factors and changes from time to time. It can range from 10% to 70%. (This is starting at 15% so the liquidity can stay deep while users sell their rewards because we will be using some of these to add $SBF/ETH Liquidity and rest to share to holders.)
Treasury will collect all instant exit fees and distribute them towards Treasury Revenue Sharing system , SBF/ETH LP and others.